About Me

Welcome to my website! My name is Yige (Luke) Chen.

I am a Ph.D. student in Linguistics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, supervised by Prof. Haihua Pan (Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages), and guided by Prof. Keehyung Kim (School of Accounting and Finance, University of Waterloo) and Prof. Maggie Wenjie Li (Department of Computing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University). My area of study is natural language processing. I am funded by Hong Kong PhD Fellowship and CUHK Vice-Chancellor HKPFS Scholarship.

I explore the boundary between economics and linguistics using computational and quantitative approaches, with a specific focus on Korean, Chinese languages, Japanese, and English. My research interests lie primarily in the following areas:

  • Information extraction in the economic, financial and business domains
  • Incorporating linguistic knowledge into language models and NLP tasks
  • The effects of languages and NLP techniques on economic decision-making
  • Language model interplay: collaboration and competition

I received an M.S. in Computational Linguistics from the Department of Linguistics, University of Washington (advised by Prof. Fei Xia), an M.Phil. in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from the University of Cambridge (supervised by Prof. Nigel Collier), and a B.S. in Economics, Linguistics, Mathematics, and Asian Studies with a Certificate in Computer Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Prior to that, I spent 2 years studying Hospitality Management and Industrial Design at the South China University of Technology as an undergraduate student.

I was a research assistant for Prof. Yi Yang in the Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, School of Business and Management, at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, a research assistant for Prof. Jungyeul Park at the Department of Linguistics, the University of British Columbia, and was a lab assistant at the Second Language Acquisition Lab (SLA Lab), Department of English, UW-Madison for Prof. Jacee Cho. I am currently affiliated with the Language Processing Laboratory, Chinese University of Hong Kong led by Prof. Zhenguang G. Cai.

I was a visiting student at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University during Spring 2023.

I was born and raised in Ningbo, China, and am a native speaker of Wu Chinese. I also speak English, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean. My secondary education was completed at Zhenhai High School.